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Oil Painting Class on Thursday


Learn Drawing and Painting a Portrait & Landscape with Oil Colours. 




























For Members Only


Our flexable learning program


Class time: 09:30 - 12.30


In our 3 Hour painting session you will learn how to use different painting tools to achieve certain effects, understanding colour code, colour scheme, what affects colour, how to obtain dept and perspective painting . This friendly session is easy to follow and doesn’t need any painting background. 

The main concept behind our painting classes is that we teach you to build up the skills in the key areas of oil painting. All the courses are structured concentrating the key areas. Through the courses that we offer you can build your painting skills. The step by step approach followed in the lessons help the learners understand the significance of value in composing the work, oil painting, solvents, the brush strokes, toning a canvas and glazing techniques.



Venue: Age UK

Clarence House

46 Humberstone Gate





© Leicester Art Zone 2014 

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